VET Leaders Australia


Welcome to the

RTO Superhero Podcast

Keeping you up to date with the constantly changing landscape 
of the Vocational Education and Training Industry, 
with your host Angela Connell-Richards

The goal with the RTO Superhero podcast is simple – to provide solutions to the problems that RTOs deal with on a day to day basis. 


Angela Connell-Richards

Angela is a passionate advocate for the training industry, driven by her unwavering commitment to helping businesses reach their full potential. With over 20 years of experience in the field, Angela has owned and operated two successful RTOs, giving her first-hand knowledge of the complexities of compliance and the challenges facing RTO/CRICOS business owners and managers.

As the host of the RTO Superhero Podcast, Angela shares her expertise and experience with listeners, offering valuable insights on how to ensure compliance and create thriving RTOs. 

What drives Angela is her unwavering passion for changing lives through education. She believes that by empowering the training industry with systems and processes that promote excellence, she can help make a difference in the lives of learners and create a stronger workforce. 

The RTO Superhero Podcast covers a range of topics such as: 


The lastest updates on the Skills Reform

Government Funding

8 Critical Drivers to RTO Success

Trainers Professional Development


The ever-changing complexities of compliance

The Standards for Registered Training Organisations

The Australian Qualifications Framework

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